4 Seasons MultiVerse

the 4 seasons surrounded by the night sky
(with explanations of each season below)

each season can also be calligraphied separately

20x20” $125 +

631-716-1385 10am-7pm east
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CalligMultiverse (4)

Carl Jung considered mandalas/circles as “archetypes of wholeness.”

12x16” each season separately
 with colors $40, B&W $30 + shipping

Spring callig (2016_03_24 21_45_52 UTC)02

SPRING: The “Sun” is underneath Germination of “Sprouts, Shoots, Grasses, Plants.” Sun-light provides the energy to ‘crank’ the Sprouts, etc., and they Emerge (above the horizontal line — “the Earth”) and keep growing.


AUTUMN: “Tree” (left) - roots down, branches/ trunk up, extended/bowed middle-line, signifies “Grains, Cereals or Corn,” being the literal “weight of the crop” as well as humility and thankfulness for abundance. “Fire” (right) - flame with spark on both sides or stick with two flames; what’s harvested after summer sun or remaining stubble after grains are cut or burned.


SUMMER: A “Human Face,” a “pair of Arms and Hands” and “a pair of Legs” with a ‘line’ through them to signify “walking leisurely.” The arms and hands are held downward to symbolize ‘hands of GIVING’ and/or they signify that the hard work of planting is done and with the right conditions plant-life will grow of its own accord during summertime.


WINTER: A “Loop” at the “End of a Thread” is secured by a “Brooch or Tie” (horizontal line); within that loop is the “Sun,” and below are “Ice Crystals.” This “End of a Thread” is the end of a year when the “Sun” is contained. At springtime, with emerging Sun-Light . . . the entire cycle begins anew.